Self-published cartoons Daily black and white cartoons of random acts of monster mayhem. Originally self-published online and later bundled into...
Self-published humorist comics Writing and drawing loose comics, often autobiographical with a surreal twist. Originally published weekly online and later...
Marlon is a web agency with a story Development of an interactive story to celebrate digital Agency Marlon’s 10th birthday....
Part of a design pitch for an online assistant to help customers as they explore the Neckermann catalogue. The first...
Part of the Pluralsight eco-system: video tutorials on web technology Making a video series about building touch-friendly and responsive animations...
Put together your own car online Building the front-end for 2 versions of the Lexus car configurator. Mobile as well...
Logo design for copywriting outfit ‘De Taalbrouwerij’ (The Language Brewery).
Poster and flyer designs for a play. It’s a story of 2 street performers with a love and nostalgia for...